Tips To Deal With Loneliness During The Holidays

Sadness, loneliness, and separation are all common emotions that can be amplified during the holiday season. Some may have lost their family members who they cannot spend time with during the holiday celebrations and revelry. Some may not have anyone to celebrate with. These feelings are all driven by your ego and your perceptions of what and how you should be celebrating and who you should be celebrating with. Unfortunately, if you stay in that energy, you may block your ability to access the happiness that exists inside you. Instead, you search and depend on happiness from someone or something else. 

This energy can disconnect you from your true self causing you to find less strength and true value within yourself and shift your focus on your situation or the state of your surroundings. The challenge with that is that life circumstances are usually not perfect and can change, usually without your control. Suppose you are constantly at the hands of your external circumstances. In that case, you will become a victim to them and it will only amplify the sadness and loneliness you are already feeling. 

Ask yourself: what would love do?

Ask yourself when you are feeling lonely: if you love yourself, what would you be doing right now? This question can get you out of a victim mindset. You will be able to shift your consciousness to consider things you can do for yourself to raise your vibration rather than concentrate on what is happening to you. 

This question can also help you shift your energy away from the low vibrational energy of loneliness to a higher vibration of love. When you consider the love that you have for yourself, you no longer wish to run away from the present moment or run away from your body. You consider the actions necessary that can support your feelings and uplift your energy in the here and now. 

That doesn’t mean that you necessarily will totally rid yourself of the feelings of loneliness. Those circumstances causing those emotions may be inevitable. But, tuning into your own love may help you feel those emotions deeply and heal them without judgment so that you can move through those emotions with more ease and honesty. 

Surrender to the feelings 

Difficult circumstances happen all the time which create unlikeable outcomes. Unfortunately, there is no life that is perfect or happy all the time. Once you accept this, it is easier to surrender to moments when you are consumed with sadness and loneliness. 

Surrendering means going within and consciously observing what may be coming up and why you may be feeling the way you do. Be in the present moment and notice the state of your body, mind, and spirit as a result of the feelings of loneliness that are arising within you. Try less to shift the circumstance around you, because you may not be able to. And, you will only drive yourself towards more sadness if you are trying to fix things you have little control over. The more you concentrate on accepting the external world while accepting and loving your inner world, the more you can shift towards more love and peace for yourself. 

Reflection meditation can connect you with who you truly are

Meditation can help you to connect to Divine energy that can support you while you may be feeling lonely. This is what we call mindful living. Meditation can bring you into the present moment and empower your soul to move through heavy emotions and bring new energy throughout your body. 

You may want to take time out for yourself to reflect on your current situation and how you are feeling, thinking, and what you are sensing, at the moment. Through this practice, you can dig deep and discover who you truly are; rather than associating yourself with your emotions.

For example, you may be feeling like you are lonely; but instead of saying “I am lonely,” through reflection meditation you can learn to understand that you are experiencing loneliness, which means that this experience is only temporary and not truly a part of who you are. Once you start to connect deeply with your soul, you can begin to overcome loneliness. Meditation allows you to confront that connection and deepen it so that you are able to hear its empowered voice communicating who you truly are rather than the emotions of loneliness you may be experiencing at the time. 

During our Finding True Self Retreat, we practice various forms of meditation, including reflection meditation, to help you connect deeply with your soul,i.e your true self. Your true self is truly a representation of love, peace, and harmony. Developing this deeper connection with your soul, you will start to understand that you are not the emotions, thoughts, and patterns that you have developed over time, you are simply unconditional Divine love.

Tap out of it

Tapping meditation can be a helpful tool to mindfully sensitize your body to release pain and heaviness. You can use your palm to tap along your chakras, energy centers, at the center of your body, and throughout your extremities to move pain that has been stored there. 

Let the pain be your guide to what your body needs to release and nourish; so that you can relieve the hurt that has been stored inside you and open yourself up to more self-love. 

Then, when you have moved this energy, you can take a moment to observe how your body feels after you have let go of that pain. Tapping meditation can shift you into becoming a conscious observer. You can start understanding, as you do the tapping meditation more regularly, where your body needs more healing and give it what it needs.

Start the year by empowering your soul’s voice and overcoming limiting beliefs by brightening up your energy at our Awaken Your Inner Light event. On January 1st we will have a sunrise prayer to connect with the sun’s natural brightness. We will also be conducting 21 days of a manifestation meditation where we will be focusing on manifesting what our truest desires are within our soul in order to co-create more love, peace, and harmony for ourselves and the rest of the world. You are also welcome to participate in 365 days of prayer, where you connect to the bright loving energy we send to you as our way to help you achieve your intentions for the upcoming year off bright, light, and aligned.

loneliness|lonely|shift your consciousness|what would love do


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